Anniversary of Mars Rover Landing: NASA Connects With Atlantykron
Arizona, USA - August 5, 2015
World Genesis Foundation Headquarters
Atlantykron Summer Academy had the opportunity to connect with
NASA’s Erisa Hines, Systems Engineer at JPL. Erisa is
currently working on two Mars missions at JPL, Mars Couriosity
and on the Cruise and EDL systems team for a mission that will
return to Mars in the year 2020 and collect samples to be
retrieved and brought back to Earth for study by a future
mission. She helped develop new capabilities for Curiosity’s
mobility system after landing. Before landing, she helped fly
the rover from Earth to Mars during the Cruise portion of the
mission as part of the Attitude Control Systems team. Prior to
Curiosity, she worked on the DAWN Asteroid mission and Altair,
the next generation moon lander design.
During the evening program, with over 350 participants, we connect with Erisa Hines virtually over Skype. She took time to show a presentation on her current work with Mars Curiosity, speaking about, systems testing, what is under the hood of Curiosity, landing, its tracks, what they are learning what they have learned and what is ahead in the next mission. Students had the opportunity to ask questions engaging in discussion and learning. At the end of the presentation we showed two videos. The fist was “Where were you when Curiosity landed?” the second was the work Erisa Hines has been doing with Mars Curiosity and future missions. “Having NASA’s Eris Hines here with us on the anniversary of the Mars Curiosity Landing was an honor. The youth had do many questions and NASA always sparks something in everyone,” said Sorin Repanovici, Vice President of World Genesis Foundation and Atlantykron coordinator.
Although the presentation was one night, the conversation and question continued. We will be following up with Erisa and sending the questions from the students to her. It was a wonderful experience to connect with NASA on the anniversary of the Mars Curiosity landing. Its impact was one of excitement and wonderer to everyone at participated at Atlantykron Summer Academy.
The World Genesis Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization that was founded on November 30, 1999 and is dedicated to a vision and mission to "leave no child without hope for the future." Headquartered in Goodyear, Arizona in the USA, the foundation supports activities worldwide to create educational, scientific and cultural opportunities for youth with a special focus in areas of the world where these opportunities are limited or do not exist.
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Public Relations,, The World Genesis Foundation, 1523 N Overlook DR, Dewey, AZ 86327, UNITED STATES of AMERICA
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World Genesis Foundation Headquarters
World Genesis Foundation ... "Leave no child without hope for the future" |
During the evening program, with over 350 participants, we connect with Erisa Hines virtually over Skype. She took time to show a presentation on her current work with Mars Curiosity, speaking about, systems testing, what is under the hood of Curiosity, landing, its tracks, what they are learning what they have learned and what is ahead in the next mission. Students had the opportunity to ask questions engaging in discussion and learning. At the end of the presentation we showed two videos. The fist was “Where were you when Curiosity landed?” the second was the work Erisa Hines has been doing with Mars Curiosity and future missions. “Having NASA’s Eris Hines here with us on the anniversary of the Mars Curiosity Landing was an honor. The youth had do many questions and NASA always sparks something in everyone,” said Sorin Repanovici, Vice President of World Genesis Foundation and Atlantykron coordinator.
Although the presentation was one night, the conversation and question continued. We will be following up with Erisa and sending the questions from the students to her. It was a wonderful experience to connect with NASA on the anniversary of the Mars Curiosity landing. Its impact was one of excitement and wonderer to everyone at participated at Atlantykron Summer Academy.
The World Genesis Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization that was founded on November 30, 1999 and is dedicated to a vision and mission to "leave no child without hope for the future." Headquartered in Goodyear, Arizona in the USA, the foundation supports activities worldwide to create educational, scientific and cultural opportunities for youth with a special focus in areas of the world where these opportunities are limited or do not exist.
World Genesis Foundation – Official Website
World Genesis Foundation on Facebook
World Genesis Foundation on YouTube
Public Relations,, The World Genesis Foundation, 1523 N Overlook DR, Dewey, AZ 86327, UNITED STATES of AMERICA
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