Information - 2015 USFUCA Worldwide Youth Contest
Click below to learn more about the contest, to see frequently asked questions (FAQ), or to learn about the contest terms and conditions.
We invite Youth around the world to take part in
the 2015 UNESCO Worldwide Multimedia Competition. Think
creatively, and answer the question,
The “Year of Light” focuses on the topic of light and light
sciences and its applications; but it is the human curiosity
that underlines the vision which brings light to the hearts of
humanity. What kind of light-based innovation would you propose
to promote sustainable development and meet the needs of a
global challenge such as energy, education, agriculture, or
You are encouraged to respond by making a 3-minute video,
multimedia presentation, written essay, art work or using any
method that channels your specific passion and talent to share
your answer to the question.
Why should you participate?
Youth are in one of, if not the, greatest positions to effect change in the world. They have the greatest connection with their own generations. Mobilizing the youth now to purposefully use their talents to serve others will ensure even greater impact of their works throughout their life.
Who can participate?
We are inviting youth around the world. The competition will be split into three age groups. Juniors, age’s 10-14 youth ages 15-19 and youth ages 20-24.
Contest Deadlines:
The deadline for submissions is January 25, 2015.
How to submit your work?
Step 1. Please fill out the 1 page submission form
and review the contest terms and conditions.
Step 2. Submit your work to
Please put in the subject line: 2015 Worldwide UNESCO Clubs
Youth Multimedia Competition and your name.
If you have a Video please upload it to YouTube and send us the
link at
Have Questions? Send it to us at:
Please put in the subject line: YOUTH CONTEST QUESTION
Submission Guidelines:
● The work has to be relevant to the question.
● Your work must be original
● All participants need to fill out the Submission Form.
● Please make sure your essay satisfies the following formatting
--> 12 point Times New Roman
--> Double-spaced
--> 1 inch margins all around
--> 750 - 1000 words
● Videos should be 3 minutes maximum.
● Images of 3 dimensional work will be accepted
● For art, sculpture and photography, tell us in 100 words
about your work, the title, the medium, your age and where
you’re from
(Use the Submission form)
● 1 entry per person
Please review terms and conditions:
Contest Winners:
Will be announced on March 30, 2015 and will be
published on the UNESCO website and in various newspapers around
the world. There will be 3 finalist for each age group and 7
semifinalists. Each semifinalists will receive a certificate.
Each of the finalists will receive an official plaque, engraved
with their name and a certificate. The top 9 winners will be
recognized and showcased in global events during the summer of
2015. First Place winners in each age group will receive a 100%
Scholarship to attend the 2015 International Model UN (IMUN)
Summer Camp in the USA. Second and Third place winners will
receive a 50% scholarship 2015 International Model UN (IMUN)
Summer Camp in the US. Winners will also be invited to the
USFUCA Club Conference to be held in Colorado in fall of 2015. A
special ceremony held for the top 9 winners.
Have a Question? We are happy to answer any of your questions at
Please put in the subject line: YOUTH CONTEST QUESTION
Important Dates
Contest Starts: November 17, 2014
Contest deadline: January 25, 2015
Judging: February 10 – March 17, 2015
Winners Announced: March 30, 2015
What is the 2015 Worldwide UNESCO Club Youth Multimedia Competition
We invite Youth around the world to take part in the 2015 UNESCO Worldwide Multimedia Competition. Think creatively, and answer the question
The “Year of Light” focuses on the topic of light and light sciences and its applications; but it is the human curiosity that underlines the vision which brings light to the hearts of humanity. What kind of light-based innovation would you come up with to promote sustainable development and meet the needs of a global challenge such as energy, education, agriculture, or health?
You are encouraged to respond by making a 3-minute video, multimedia presentation, written essay, art work or using any method that channels your specific passion and talent to share your answer to the question.
Why should youth participate?
Youth have the ability to connect with their generation as well as bridging with other generations to bring fresh perspectives, new possibilities and effect positive change. Youth will be the future leaders, their voice needs to be heard.
How to send your submission?
Step 1. Please fill out the 1 page entry form
and look at the contest terms and conditions.
Step 2. Submit your work via email to
If you are sending a video or Art please put
your 100 word description and answer to the question in the
submission form. For essays, please send as an Adobe PDF or
Microsoft Word Document.
Please put in the subject line: 2015 Worldwide UNESCO Clubs
Youth Multimedia Competition and your name.
If you have a Video please uploaded to YouTube and send us
this link at
Do you accept group submissions?
Unfortunately not. Each Submission should be submitted by one participant.
How long do I have to submit my essay?
The contest will be launched on November 17,
2014. Submissions are due on January 25, 2015.
Judging & Selection Process
How's the contest judged?
The competition will be judged by our international panel of judges. Judging will be done online in two parts. The first part will consist of each judge having their own page to judge a random selected number of submissions for each age group. With the top number being selected by highest score, the judges will go through the top 20 for each age group to vote on their top 3. When all votes have been submitted the top highest scores will be selected for the top 3, the other 7 will be the semi-finalist.
What criteria will be used to select the winning essays?
Judging will be based on the following criteria, on a sliding scale 1-5 with 1 indicating needs improvement to 5 indicating exceptional. Based on the criteria of,
● relevance
● creativity
● originality
● development
● audience
● cohesion
Who are the judges?
The international panel of judges will be selected and
showcased on the official website.
We are happy to answer any questions.
Send us a message and put in the subject line: Essay Contest Question:
Terms and Conditions1. Eligibility:
Juniors ages 10-14 and youth ages 15-24 are eligible. In order to enter the Competition, you agree to these Official Rules. The Rules consist of the terms and conditions on this page and the Entry Form.
2. Competition Period:
The Competition begins November 17, 2014 and ends at midnight (GMT) on January 25, 2014.
3. How to Enter:
Entrants will click on the link on the official website. Fill out the 1 page submission form and
email your submission to
4. Submission Guidelines:
● The work has to be relevant to the question.
● Your work must be original
● All participants need to fill out the Submission Form.
● Please make sure your essay satisfies the following
formatting criteria:
--> 12 point Times New Roman
--> Double-spaced
--> 1 inch margins all around
--> 750 - 1000 words
● Videos should be 3 minutes maximum.
● Images of 3 dimensional work will be accepted
● For art, sculpture and photography, tell us in 100 words
about your work, the title, the medium, your age and where
you’re from
(Use the Submission form)
● 1 entry per person
5. Judging and Selection of Winners:
Essays will be judged by our international panel of judges. Judging will be done online in two parts. The first part will consist of each judge having their own page to judge a random selected number of e submissions. With the top number being selected by highest score, the judges will go through the top 20 for each age group to vote on their top 3. When all votes have been submitted the top highest scores will be selected for the top 3, the other 7 will be the semi-finalists. Judging will be based on the following criteria, on a sliding scale 1-5 with 1 indicating needs improvement to 5 indicating exceptional. Based on the criteria of, relevance, creativity and originality, development, audience and cohesion.
6. Prizes:
Will be announced on March 30, 2015. There will be 3 finalist for each age group and 7 semifinalists. Each semifinalists will receive a certificate. Each of the finalists will receive an official plaque, engraved with their name and a certificate. The top 9 winners will be recognized and showcased in global events during the summer of 2015. First Place winners in each age group will receive a 100% Scholarship to attend the 2015 International Model UN (IMUN) Summer Camp in the USA. Second and Third place winners will receive a 50% scholarship 2015 International Model UN (IMUN) Summer Camp in the US. Winners will also be invited to the USFUCA Club Conference to be held in Colorado in fall of 2015. A special ceremony held for the top 9 winners.
7. Privacy Notice:
Any personal data, collected during the course of the competition will only be used and disclosed for purposes reasonably connected with administering and promoting this competition, including certain internal and external communications related to the essay contest. We may also share personal data of the overall winner and the finalists with the press for publicity purposes. Subject to parental consent (if required), the overall winner and the finalists may be required to participate in the summer camps, in publicity such as press interviews or other promotion.
8. No Recourse to judicial or other procedures:
To the extent permitted by law, the rights to litigate, to
seek injunctive relief or to any other recourse to judicial or
any other procedure in case of disputes or claims resulting
from or in connection with this Competition are hereby
excluded, and you acknowledge and agree, and expressly waive
any and all such rights.
Important Dates
Please remember these important dates
November 17, 2014
Contest deadline:
January 25, 2015
February 10 - March 17, 2015
Winners Announced:
March 30, 2015
Meet the Team
Meet the Judges
Click here to "Meet the Judges"
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