2015 USFUCA Worldwide Youth Contest - "The Year of Light"


We invited Youth around the world to take part in the 2015 UNESCO Worldwide Multimedia Competition.

The “Year of Light” focuses on the topic of light and light sciences and its applications; but it is the human curiosity that underlines the vision which brings light to the hearts of humanity. What kind of light-based innovation would you propose to promote sustainable development and meet the needs of a global challenge such as energy, education, agriculture, or health?

We encouraged to respond by making a 3-minute video, multimedia presentation, written essay, art work or using any method that channeled their specific passion and talent to share your answer to the question.

2015 Worldwide UNESCO Club Youth Multimedia Competition

We received hundreds of applications from youth from 78 countries from all around the world. We want to congratulate the winners and invite you to see their projects.  See the Winners


Meet the Judges


Click here to "Meet the Judges"



Meet the Team

Make a Donation


Accent Imaging   U.S. Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations  World Genesis Foundation  International Year of Light     
Accent Imaging 
USFUCA  World Genesis Foundation   International Year of Light