Virtual Summer Academy of Learning. We welcome everyone to register and join us for the 31st annual edition of our summer academy for learning. This is our first ever virtual academy. It is a fun, exciting and unique learning experience, one of its only kind in the world. It brings together hundreds of youth and world experts in the areas of science, culture, communications, the arts and sports... shaping our world today and tomorrow.

Atlantykron 2020



        Welcome to Atlantykron 2020
Sorin Repanovici
Sorin Repanovici      

Keeping in line with the ideals of UNESCO, Atlantykron Summer Academy greatly promotes the UNESCO core goals to contribute to the creation and sustainable development as well as the intellectual dialogue by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communications. We hope you can join us this year in this one-of-a-kind learning experience.
Atlantykron Summer Academy of Learning
Aug 1, 2020
        Registration is FREE
Register Now 

Help us creat hope...
HopeMart - A World Genesis Foundation Project   


 New Horizons
of Animal-Human Relationships
  MARS 2020

  Planning and
Scripting a
Time-Lapse Movie
  Generating & Solving
Crisis to Avoid Imbalance
& Catastrophe
  The Science
and Meaning
of Water
Who's Afraid

Autonomous Cars 
Living in Harmony Chan Chow WahChan Chow Wah   Mars 2020 Perseverance with Ravi Prakash and Erissa Stilley
  Space Shuttle LaunchIon Gabriel Pusca-Lupisor         A Diary in the Age of WaterNina Thompson   
Chan Chow Wah
Sunday, Aug 2, 2020
    Ravi Prakash and
Erisa K. Stilley
Monday, Aug 3, 2020 
    Stan Jirman
Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020
  Dr. Florin Colceag
Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020
  Nina Munteanu
Wednesday, Aug 5, 2020  
  Pompilian Tofilescu
Wednesday, Aug 5, 2020 



Sorin Repanovici    Florin Munteanu    Heather Caton-Anderson     
Sorin Repanovici    Dr. Florin Munteanu    Heather Caton-Anderson   Constantin D. Pavel 

Catch up with the activities you might have missed with the daily news by the Stone Ring Island, Atlantychronicle news. Click below to read.

Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle - Day 1   Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle - Day 2   Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle - Day 3   Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle - Day 4   Available
6 August 
Day 1
August 1, 2020
  Day 2
August 2, 2020
  Day 3
August 3, 2020
  Day 4
August 4, 2020
  Day 5
August 5, 2020

                        Corneliu Chisu     Guy Djoken      Razvan Buzato
Dr. Dumitru Dorin Prunariu    Prof. Alexandru Mironov    Dr. Cristian Presura   Dr. Radu Dop    Dr. Leon Zagrean   Dr. Pierre de Hillerin    Corneliu Chisu   Dr. Florin Colceag    Guy Djoken    Dr. Theodor Vasile   Razvan Buzatu

Mihai Gabriel Traian Badulescu Bogdan Cismariu  Alex Calinciuc        Gabriela Repanovici Cristina Repanovici   Noel Theodora Dorin Alessandra Vasile 
Mihai Gabriel     Traian Badulescu   Bogdan Cismariu   Alex Calinciuc        Gabriela Repanovici   Cristina Repanovici    Mihaela Oprea    Noel Theodora    Dorin Alesandra Vasile 

Atlantykron Summer Academy of Learning 
  Opening Ceremony
Sorin Repanovici, Florin Munteanu, Alexandru Mirinov, Chan Chow Wah,
Dr. Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, Corneliu Chisu, Guy Djoken, Mihaela Muraru-Mandrea

As we face the Worldwide challenge of the Coronavirus the spirit of the Atlantykron Summer Academy will always continue. This year's Academy will be virtual but is filled with new and different topics that will explore and discuss the new horizons that we will cross in the days, months and years to come.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  13:00 - 14:00 UTC    My Local Time?
  Sorin Repanovici 
France McCloskey
  Maximize Your Memory (Part 1 of 3)
France McCloskey

This workshop-style class specifically addresses three main memory strategies to improve your memory.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  15:00 - 16:00 UTC    My Local Time?    
  France McCloskey 
Atlantyrkon New Horizons 
  New Horizons Roundtable Discussion with....
Sorin Repanovici, Dr. Cristian Presura, Alexandru Mironov, Chan Chow Wah,
Florin Colceag and Razvan Buzato

Our world's population is facing a series of unprecidented challenges and is moving towards a future of our world that is not like what we expected it to be. This conference will discuss and explore the new challenges we are facing in these exponential times and how we can respond to them by predicting and shaping our future.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  16:00 - 17:00 UTC    My Local Time?  

Romanian literature and the „CSF”
(„Colecția Science-Fiction”) magazine (Part 1 of 5)

Aurel Carasel, Cristian Carstoiu and Constantin D. Pavel

The phenomenon of Sci-Fi literature, essays and illustrations made by Romanian creators living both in the country and abroad, offered to fans of this genre by the only Romanian magazine dedicated exclusively to Romanian creators. A visit to the internal kitchen of the „CSF” magazine, where the most beautiful SF and F stories and articles in Romania are made. The past, present and future of the „CSF” magazine, with its editor-in-chief and regional editors, true discoverers of literary treasures.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  14:00 - 15:00 UTC    My Local Time? 

  The Physics of Compact Stars: White Dwarfs (Part 1 of 3)
Dr. Cristian Presura

This workshop is intended for those interested in astronomy and related physics objects.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  16:30 - 17:30 UTC    My Local Time?  
Energy and Evolution 
  Energy and Evolution
Jaime Martinez

An introduction to how energy has effected our evolution as human beings and a glimpse into the future.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  18:00 - 19:00 UTC    My Local Time? 
  Jaime Martinez 
  Click here to read
Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle
    Adina Stoicescu and
Ion Gabriel Pusca-Lupisor

    Based on the traditional local newspaper created on Atlantykron Island in paper format the team will continue to offer participants information, interviews, articles and fun facts daily. Join the team.
For more infomation please send us an email at
  Adina Stoicescu and Lupisor Stoicescu

France McCloskey
  Maximize Your Memory (Part 2 of 3)
France McCloskey

This workshop-style class specifically addresses three main memory strategies to improve your memory.
Date:  Sunday, 08-02-2020
Time:  12:00 - 13:00 UTC    My Local Time?
  France McCloskey
 Living in Harmony Chan Chow Wah
  New Horizons of Animal-Human Relationships
Chan Chow Wah

From animal rescue and welfare this course will be a doorway to re-examine animal/human relationships. A new attitude to embrace a lifestyle of wisdom and compassion.
Date:  Sunday, 08-02-2020
Time:  13:30 - 14:30 UTC    My Local Time?
  Chan Chow Wah
  Notions of Semiotics and Biosemiotics; From Sign to Meaning
Dr. Florin Munteanu

A special dimension of information and a new paradigm; from Draganescu to Wheeler, an informational vision of the Universe : The consequences of the new paradigm in understanding, the relationship between the geosphere, biosphere and noosphere: The Gaia model - the living planet, from Information to Consciousness. 
Date:  Sunday, 08-02-2020
Time:  15:00 - 16:00 UTC    My Local Time?
  Dr. Florin Munteanu
  "Carpathica 2020” – Romanian Sci-Fi anthology (Part 2 of 5)
Cristian Carstoiu, Anamaria Borlan and Constantin D. Pavel

A talk about the „Carpathica” project, a carefully chosen anthology ofCar Romanian short science-fiction stories, featuring "Stellavirus", an intriguing theory about the COVID-19 pandemic. You'll also find out the relationship between the dinosaurs and the Neanderthal Man, how mathematics and the Stonehenge monument help space-time travel, the future of mankind as wandering crystals or how the end of the world will look like. If you like the genre, this anthology is a feast of well-written literature.
Date:  Sunday, 08-02-2020
Time:  10:30 - 11:30 UTC    My Local Time?  
  Performance as a Standard of Life
Pierre de Hillerin, Radu Dop and Carmen Tocala

Living a healthy life also means healthy social mindsets and healthier means always improving performance which will result in improving our overall standard of life.
Date:  Sunday, 08-02-2020
Time:  18:00 - 19:00 UTC    My Local Time?
  The Physics of Compact Stars: Neutron Stars (Part 2 of 3)
Dr. Cristian Presura

This workshop is intended for those interested in astronomy and related physics objects.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  16:30 - 17:30 UTC    My Local Time?   
  Click here to read
   Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle
    Adina Stoicescu and
Ion Gabriel Pusca-Lupisor

    Based on the traditional local newspaper created on Atlantykron Island in paper format the team will continue to offer participants information, interviews, articles and fun facts daily. Join the team.
For more infomation please send us an email at
  Adina Stoicescu and Lupisor Stoicescu

Ravi Prakash, Erisa K. Stilley, Dumitru Prunariu and Alexander Mironov

Join NASA/JPL team members Ravi Prakash and Erisa Stilley for a very special presentation and discussion about the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission. It is scheduled to launch this week and it will land in Jezero Crater on the Red Planet in six months. Perseverance is the most sophisticated rover NASA has ever sent to Mars, with a name that embodies NASA’s passion for taking on and overcoming challenges. It will search for signs of ancient microbial life, characterize the planet’s geology and climate, collect carefully selected and documented rock and sediment samples for possible return to Earth, and pave the way for human exploration beyond the Moon. Perseverance will also ferry a separate technology experiment to the surface of Mars — a helicopter named Ingenuity, the first aircraft to fly in a controlled way on another planet.
Date:  Monday, 08-03-2020
Time:  14:00 - 15:00 UTC    My Local Time?   
  Ravi Prakash and the Mars 2020 Perseverance Mission     Erissa Hines
Personal Development with Theodor Vasile     Personal Development - Relaxation Session
Dr. Theodor Vasile

Our brain is able to program itself, to program the self-healing process but also the self-recognition process. In our eveolution we can find a system with regard to the regeneration and recovery of ourselves. 

:  Monday, 08-03-2020
Time:  15:30 - 16:30 UTC    My Local Time?  
      New Horizons of the Human Mind
Dr. Leon Zagrean 

:  Monday, 08-03-2020
Time:  15:30 - 16:30 UTC    My Local Time?  
    Romanian Writers Published Around the World (Part 4 of 5)
Constantin D. Pavel

Pavcon Publishing House and its partner in the United States, Century Benchmark Publishing, publish Romanian science fiction and fantasy writers on Amazon, in English, so that they can be read anywhere in the world. A presentation of the delightful work of identifying and promoting talented Romanian writers, such as Aurel Cărășel, Florin Purluca, Ovidiu Vitan, Mircea Liviu Goga, Anamaria Borlan, Claudiu Murgan, Daniel Timariu and others.

Date:  Monday, 08-03-2020
Time:  12:30 - 13:30 UTC    My Local Time?  
    The Physics of Compact Stars: Black Holes (Part 3 of 3)
Dr. Cristian Presura

This workshop is intended for those interested in astronomy and related physics objects.
Date:  Saturday, 08-01-2020
Time:  16:30 - 17:30 UTC    My Local Time?   
Joan Roth
    Apocalyptic 2020 (Part 1 of 2)
Joan Roth

Come join us in our discussion about how to strengthen and empower ourselves as individuals. Let's talk about how we can recognize and cope with the revelation to discover our ultimate divine purpose.
Date:  Tuesday, 08-04-2020
:  18:00 - 19:00 UTC    My Local Time? 
  Joan Roth 
Yoga by Heather Caton-Anderson 
    YOGA (Part 1 of 3)
Heather Caton-Anderson

Join us to revitalize energy, increase flexibility and improve overall health and well-being.
Date:  Monday, 08-03-2020
Time:  18:00 - 19:00 UTC    My Local Time?  
  Heather Caton-Anderson 
       Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle
    Adina Stoicescu and
Ion Gabriel Pusca-Lupisor

    Based on the traditional local newspaper created on Atlantykron Island in paper format the team will continue to offer participants information, interviews, articles and fun facts daily. Join the team.
For more infomation please send us an email at
  Adina Stoicescu and Lupisor Stoicescu

France McCloskey
  Maximize Your Memory (Part 3 of 3)
France McCloskey

This workshop-style class specifically addresses three main memory strategies to improve your memory.
Date:  Tuesday, 08-04-2020
Time:  12:00 - 13:00 UTC    My Local Time?  
  France McCloskey
  Generating and Solving Crisis to Avoid Imbalances and Catastrophes
Dr. Florin Colceag, Sorin Repanovici and Radu Dop

Crises are generated and hybridized if not resolved in time. However, there is a functional pattern that allows them to be solved in several stages or work. This requires a change in the perception of significant details and the identification of natural solutions..
Date:  Tuesday, 08-04-2020
Time:  14:00 - 15:00 UTC    My Local Time?  
Fractal Measurement 
  Elements of Complexity Science:  Generation and
Measurement of Fractal Objects

Dr. Florin Munteanu

Elements of Complexity Science; Generation and measurement of fractal objects: Techniques for evaluating irregular, spatio-temporal structures (LabView, MATLAB, and Orange): Applications and suggestions for further research: The role of "noise" in complex systems: Sono-Therapy and Music Therapy: Implications in changing the mentality and germinating the society of Consciousness.
Date:  Tuesday, 08-04-2020
Time:  15:00 - 16:00 UTC    My Local Time? 
  Dr. Florin Munteanu 
Space Shuttle Launch
  Planning and Scripting a Time-Lapse Movie
Stan Jirman 

A presentation showing the steps necessary for location scouting and mathematical planning of photos and time-lapse movies with the example of multiple space shuttle ground operations for NASA and news outlets.
Date:  Tuesday, 08-04-2020
Time:  16:00 - 17:30 UTC    My Local Time?
  Ion Gabriel Pusca-Lupisor 
  Post-apocalyptic literature in the vision of writer Florin Purluca (Part 3 of 5)
Florin Purluca, Constantin D. Pavel, Cristian Carstoiu

A discussion about his “Praf” series, which began with the story of the same name, published in the „Strange Horizons” magazine, then continued with two novels – “Dust” and “Touching the Wild” – both published by Pavcon, in Bucharest. An extremely bleak future of humanity, in which we are presented with the struggle for survival of a little boy whose maturation is forced by the world in which he came to live

Date:  Tuesday, 08-04-2020
Time:  17:30 - 18:30 UTC    My Local Time? 
Yoga by Heather Caton-Anderson 
  YOGA (Part 2 of 3)
Heather Caton-Anderson

Join us to revitalize energy, increase flexibility and improve overall health and well-being.
Date:  Tuesday, 08-04-2020
Time:  19:00 - 20:00 UTC    My Local Time?  
  Heather Caton-Anderson 
     Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle
    Adina Stoicescu and
Ion Gabriel Pusca-Lupisor

    Based on the traditional local newspaper created on Atlantykron Island in paper format the team will continue to offer participants information, interviews, articles and fun facts daily. Join the team.
For more infomation please send us an email at
  Adina Stoicescu and Lupisor Stoicescu

A Diary in the Age of Water
  The Science and Meaning of Water
Nina Munteanu and Florin Munteanu

A summary of waters life-giving anomolous properties on Earth and a discussion of the history and field of limnology (the study of fresh water) including water's many wierd properties, water's ambiguity and origins, the hydrological cycle, and the often-strange adaptations of life with or without water including the future of water.

Handouts:  Water Summary and What Can You Do?

Date:  Wednesday, 08-05-2020
Time:  13:00 - 14:00 UTC    My Local Time?   
  Nina Thompson
Claudiu Murgan Novels 
  Claudiu Murgan's novels
and the history of a Romanian-Canadian writer (Part 5 of 5)

Claudiu Murgan

An incursion, loaded with a deep knowledge of the universe and the human spirit, through the novels of the Romanian-Canadian writer Claudiu Murgan – “The Decadence of Our Souls”, “Water Entanglement” and “Crystal Cloud”. A transcendental literature full of meaning and significance, grafted on the strong body of the already established science-fiction literature, with which Claudiu Murgan has been in love since his student days.
Date:  Wednesday, 08-05-2020
Time:  14:30 - 15:30 UTC    My Local Time? 
  Claudiu Murgan 
Joan Roth 
  Apocalyptic 2020 (Part 2 of 2)
Joan Roth

Come join us in our discussion about how to strengthen and empower ourselves as individuals. Let's talk about how we can recognize and cope with the revelation to discover our ultimate divine purpose. 
Date:  Tuesday, 08-05-2020
Time:  15:00 - 16:00 UTC    My Local Time? 
  Joan Roth 
  Who's Afraid of Autonomous Cars
Pompilian Tofilescu

"Who's Afraid of Autonomous Cars" is a two hours deep dive in the current state of the art technologies used in driver-less cars developments, cars which will redefine the concept of mobility. The presentation starts with the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) definition of vehicle automation levels, describes the hardware systems and the Artificial Intelligence methods and algorithms needed for full autonomy, and tries to sketch a path from current challenges to the (near) future, when the robotaxis will share the roads with the human drivers. 
Date:  Wednesday, 08-05-2020
Time:  16:30 - 18:30 UTC    My Local Time? 
Personal Development with Theodor Vasile   Meditation Session - The Violet Flame
Dr. Theodor Vasile 

An integrative holistic complementary therapy created through combining experiential psychotherapy elements with specific integrative medicine techniques.. 

:  Wednesday, 08-05-2020
Time:  17:00 - 18:30 UTC    My Local Time?  
Yoga by Heather Caton-Anderson 
  YOGA (Part 3 of 3)
Heather Caton-Anderson

Join us to revitalize energy, increase flexibility and improve overall health and well-being.
Date:  Wednesday, 08-05-2020
Time:  19:00 - 19:50 UTC    My Local Time?
  Heather Caton-Anderson
ATLANTYKRON 2020    Closing Ceremony
Sorin Repanovici, Florin Munteanu, Alexandru Mirinov, Chan Chow Wah,
Dr. Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, Corneliu Chisu, Guy Djoken, Mihaela Muraru-Mandrea

Atlantykron NEW HORIZONS Academy Closing Ceremony
Date:  Wednesday, 08-05-2020
Time:  20:00 - 20:30 UTC    My Local Time?  
  Sorin Repanovici 
     Stone Ring Island - AtlantyChronicle
    Adina Stoicescu and
Ion Gabriel Pusca-Lupisor

   Based on the traditional local newspaper created on Atlantykron Island in paper format the team will continue to offer participants information, interviews, articles and fun facts daily. Join the team.
For more infomation please send us an email at
  Adina Stoicescu and Lupisor Stoicescu

Registration is FREE

Register Now 

Center for Complexity Studies    World Genesis Foundation                        
Center for Complexity Studies    World Genesis Foundation